Friday 30 March 2012

Review: Re-Gen Cream....

I bought this cream about two weeks ago after reading Zoe's (Zoella280390 on youtube) blog post about it. I didn't want to review this straight away as I wanted to use it for quite a while first so that I could give an honest opinion on it.

My opinion? I LOVE THIS CREAM!! I have quite a few scars on my chin, kindly left behind from spots that I've had, and I wanted to try and get rid of them for good. I've already tried bio oil, and didn't really notice any difference. Maybe I didn't give it long enough to work, I got fed up of using it after a while because I have a slightly oily chin anyway adding extra oil was a no no. I couldn't apply my make up straight after using the bio oil because it just slid straight off and didn't blend, and I really didn't have time to let it dry in.

The cream itself reminds me a little of sudocrem, but the scent isn't as strong which I like because I'm kind of iffy about putting scented products on my face in case they break me out. It has a nice consistency: not too thick and not too thin and it drys quite quickly which is a definite bonus.

I use this every morning and night, applying about a pea size making sure I take the time to massage it all in until all of the cream has soaked into my skin. I actually can't believe how much this cream has helped my skin, I literally have no scars on my chin now and the couple that I do have are slowly but surely fading too. The ones I still have were quite dark so are taking longer to go, but they're definitely getting lighter and lighter :)

I bought this for £3.99 from Homebargains, thanks for the heads up Zoe :) I definitely recommend this cream to anyone and everyone!

Thanks for reading :)

S xx


  1. im definitely going to give this a try. do u know how long the tub lasts?

  2. It's amazing stuff. I've been using it twice a day for around 3 months and I'm not even 1/4 way through it

    S x
